This should probably be an announcement
Some changes are about to be made to stream regarding the streamlabs @Stream Boss feature and previous channel sponsorship for the ACF Channel on YouTube Gaming (sort of).
The Stream Boss feature of the stream is going to be removed (on display in stream and mini game).
(Further details about what this was can be found here:
(In short, the bot is being deactivated for a period of time until a viable implementation is found within new "brand developments".)
ACF Channel Brand Developments(?): I will be streaming primarily on There are possibilities I will be streaming and/or uploading to the AlexCaughtFire original channel (and others) on YouTube but (for now at least) this isn't likely for a time.
I won't be turning off sponsorship/member features for the channel so, it will save badges and the length of time you were a sponsor/member. Your badges will still appear if you remain a sponsor on the original channel. However, I would encourage any current YouTube Channel Sponsors to consider canceling your subscription as I'm unsure at this time, how long it will be before any content shows up on the channel. This is up to you. Thank you again for your support.
NOTE: The AlexCaughtFire Channel will be primarily connected to the AlexCaughtFireRE YouTube Channel (expect mostly highlights and stream related content there).
Next Announcement!
The next part of this announcement is to inform you that the StreamBoss role in discord is also being removed or at least changed to V.I.P.
I do have enough sub points on Twitch at this moment to award you all with V.I.P. badges (gem image above) in exchange for your roles. The next time I see you in stream (on Twitch), I'll be sure to award you your new badge (if you would like one, it's yours. If not, be sure to let me know because they are limited).
Again, thank you all for your support in the past couple years.
This has been a confusing time for myself as well. I apologize for jumping around so much. I believe there needs to be a specific focus until the time is right for branching out into other possible directions.
More developments will be in progress as well.
Reference Links:
AlexCaughtFire Original Channel:
AlexCaughtFire on