Tuesday, February 28, 2017

GBC Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening DX: Part 1

The new stream for Gameboy Color is good to go and running perfectly!
Set up my stream for Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX.
Finished the first 2 dungeons (Tail Cave and Bottle Grotto) and stopped streaming to take a break outside of the 3rd (Key Cavern), which is where I will begin the next stream.
Be sure to keep a look out for when I go live on YouTube!

Gonna go all the way, be sure to let me know which of the Legend of Zelda games you would like to see when I finish this one!

Game Choices For My Next Stream:
N64 - Majora's Mask
N64 - Ocarina of Time
GBC - Link's Awakening DX (again)
SNES - A Link to the Past
NES - The Legend of Zelda

NOTE: I WILL be streaming Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I just won't be able to stream it as soon as it comes out on March 3rd 2017. As sad as I am to say that, I WILL stream it eventually (As soon as I figure out how to get a hold of it, I will post it here without a doubt).

Game Over

The first stream of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has been completed!
I had so much fun and I can't wait to do it again.
Very special thanks to all who subscribed! (it means more to me than you know!)
Can't wait to start the next journey!

Next game to be featured will be: Link's Awakening for the Gameboy Color!

Here's a recording of the final stream

Friday, February 24, 2017

I've Started Streaming!

It's official, after about a week of testing my setup, I am finally comfortable streaming!
I'll be playing most of the games from the LoZ franchise, all the way from the original NES, 
to the not yet released Nintendo Switch.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay updated. I plan to stream 6 (or more) hours at least every other day, maybe even more!