Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Hands - LoZ OoT Dead Hand Creepypasta reading | Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Creepypasta - Read by AlexCaughtFire

One of the many creepy-pastas for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time, featuring one of the most widely feared enemies in the game, "Dead Hand". As kids we all hated going down into the well to face the nightmare fuel that is, the Dead Hand.

I did enjoy reading this. If you would like to check out this creepy pasta for yourself, you can do so by clicking this link here: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/The_Hands

Music Credits: "A creepy song I wrote in FL Studio in 5 minutes" - AlexCaughtFire

Get a copy of FL Studio 12 (Producer Edition) here: https://amzn.to/2GIRO0v


The Hands

"Scorcher today. High, a blazing 110. No sign of rain."

I turned off my car radio. I lived in Texas, this was pretty normal.

I was headed to GameStop to get a used copy of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, my childhood game. I remember playing it for hours on end, even after I beat the main game I had so much fun with it. Even after getting all the heart pieces and Gold Skulltulas, it was so much fun.

It's been 30 long years. I'm ready to start again.

I bought a copy and headed home. I went up into the attic and found the old, dusty box labeled "Childhood Memories".

A Rock'em Sock'em robots set, Worn down teddy bear ("Muffin") GameBoy Color with an untouched copy of Pokemon Blue that hasn't been played in forever, (Darned Lance).

Ah, there it was.

My old N64, with scribbled in an almost illegible font "Mark" In red Sharpie. I excitedly began playing. Naming my character "Link" As I always did, I began. Four nonstop hours of nostalgia. From watching Darunia patting me on the head, to easily defeating Morpha.

But next up was the Shadow Temple. I always hated the Shadow Temple. Not Bongo Bongo or the Redeads, but the mini boss.

Dead Hand.

I never really understood it as a child, all Navi said was it had "Infinite Hands".

I learned the Song of Storms and went back to the Windmill as a child. I drained the well, and went back down.

That's funny. I never remembered that. A single Dead Hand hand, the ones you find in the battle room, was sticking out of the well. Then again, it's been 30 years since I played it, so it's not like I could remember it. I went ahead and let it grab me. It yanked me down the well, and straight into the Dead Hand battle room. OK, I know I remembered going through a series of things to get there. I went ahead and waited for him to come up.

He would never come up. That's right, I needed to let one of the hands grab me. I just remembered a flashback of me and my old friend Tyler.



"I just found this crazy glitch on OoT. If you're fighting Dead Hand and you let all four of his hands grab you at once, something AWESOME will happen!"

"What? You're lying."

Tyler always lied about things like that. He died in a car crash like 3 years ago. I never got a chance to try it though, In my past OoT, I never got a chance to try. All my files were full and there was no WAY I was deleting any. I decided to give it a go. I went into the center and let all the hands grab me at once. There he was, same empty face, same bloody and white body.

Knowing my Zelda more than anyone in my past school, it was easy.

"Strike when he lowers his head to attack."

I followed my knowledge and won in less than a minute.

Tyler was lying, nothing happened when you let him grab you with all his hands at once. The treasure chest appeared, I remembered this had the Lens of Truth.

Sure enough it did. But the description was different.


What? What did he mean by 30 years in the past? I was child link, so I couldn't go back any more.

I had a brainwave. Thirty years was the last time I played my old game. Maybe Dead Hand meant in my old OoT game? I lost it a long time ago. How could I go back? I had only one chance. Maybe it was in the box in the attic.

I crept back up there, the box still open. I dug through the rest of the box. A few toy soldiers, an RC car...

At the bottom of the box, I found it.

An old, worn out, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time with the sticker peeled off and had the same illegible "Mark" In the same red sharpie.

I took my new Oot out and replaced it with the old one.

Two files - both named "Link" Greeted me after a long 30 years.

I went on the first one.

I was adult link in the Temple of Time, with the Goron Tunic and the Longshot, Ice Arrows, and Hover Boots equipped.

I went into the Castle Market, and waited for the ReaDeads.

No redeads appeared.

Only hands.

Long, white, bloody hands sprouted everywhere in the ground. There must have been 50 of them. Each waiting to grab me and pull me under.

Everywhere was in ruin, not just Hyrule Castle Town.

The Shadow Temple music played.

I went off into the bottom of the well as instructed.

Kakariko village was full of hands too. I couldn't find any NPC, I looked all over the small village.

I found one.

The Cucco lady, a hand grasping her face.

When I talked to her, she replied with a chilling message.


I felt guilty, leaving Hyrule's citizens like this for 30 years.

I had to stop this. I had to find Dead Hand.

Wait... You couldn't go under the well as an adult.

The single hand was waiting for me, sticking out of the well.

Knowing the only way of getting to the battle room.

It dragged me under.

Twenty. Twenty hands all positioned and scattered around the arena.

I let one of them grab me.


There he was. Nothing has changed. Same empty face, same strange body. I had to beat him. I knew I did.

With 20 hands, it was hard. But I was a hardcore Zelda player. I chopped each one down, and struck.

All the hands disappeared. I did it. Dead Hand was dead... Wait... No... He came back up. He was persistent. Stubborn. Willing to do whatever it took to kill me.

He lifted his strange body off the ground.

I almost threw up.

Thousands. THOUSANDS. Thousands of hands rose up under the visible part of him. Like a giant spider.

I immediately began running.

Out the door, up the ladder, out of the town.

He followed me all the way.

I ran for what felt like forever. It felt like another 30 years. Tyler was right. Why didn't I try this earlier? If only I could ask him about it.

I knew it was pointless in running. I only had one choice.

I stopped running and let him catch up.

He ripped me apart. I could see all Link's Organs, being ripped up by the hands. Everything. It was over. All over. I couldn't take this anymore. Thirty years, this monster has invaded my most precious memory.

I shut off the game. It was too much.

I locked the games in the box and boarded up the attic.

Every night. I see him out the window. He presses his hands against the window. Sometimes I see his face. Every night. I realize he will haunt me for the rest of my life.

I dare not step out of my house - I'll end up just like Link.

I have one of my other friends get food for me. All I can do is cry at the foot of my attic. I don't have the energy - the compulsion to do anything else.

The worst part is, my hands grow thinner... Whiter... and hungrier... with each tear.

How to Cook Soft Boiled Eggs From Refrigerated - Cooking Show - The Heat - With AlexCaughtFire and nanA as Your Hosts

The perfect soft boiled egg should have cooked whites and still runny yolk. Perfect for something a little MOAR interesting and traditional in the morning, or maybe something a little different to us in the United States, like the Japanese Ramen dish.

*Music Credits: "I Knead You - Track 4 - MME" by BeatzLevox and Myself - Full song can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEto8HKNV0c

What you'll need:

-Consumables list-

- Eggs from refrigerated (any number)
- Agua (water)

-Non-consumables List-

- Medium sized pot with lid
- Tongs (just make everything easier)
- Knife
- Medium Sized Bowl

Fill your pot with enough water to cover the eggs.

Set your water filled pot on the stove and bring water to a rolling boil (high heat is fine for now).

When water reaches a rolling boil point, set a timer for 6 minutes and bring the heat down to medium (egg time will be different for Non-refrigerated eggs).

carefully drop your eggs in and start the timer.

Have a bowl of cold water ready for when the eggs are done and immediately set the eggs in the bath to cool.

Run the bowl under cool running water for about 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Drain the bowl, being careful not to drop any eggs.

Peel the eggs, being careful not to let the tension of the shell break the eggs apart. ~~


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Not A Sosij Stream Update! - AlexCaughtFire YouTube Gaming Channel - We ...

This Stream's Donation Link: https://streamlabs.com/alexcaughtfire

Alex's gaming I.D.s can be found in his Discord server!

Rules, Schedule and Info Below (Please read more):

AlexOnEdge Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwsTYPB2FkP6Q08e80PVnBw

Play games on your PC for FREE! My video game emulator tutorials and controller reviews can be found here for SNES, N64, GameCube and Wii: http://laughoutzed.blogspot.com/p/software-tutorials.html

Stream and Discord Bot Commands: https://laughoutzed.blogspot.com/p/live-chat-commands.html

My Gaming Gear (and more): https://laughoutzed.blogspot.com/p/gear.html


Monday - Not a Sosij
Tuesday - Not a Sosij
Wednesday - Not a Sosij
*Thursday @ 6 PM PST - Resident Evil
Friday @ 6 PM PST - Zelda
*Saturday @ 6 PM PST  - Variety Stream Day (random game)
Sunday @ 6 PM PST  - Not a Sosij

NOTE: Days marked with "*" are days that uploads will be dropped before stream at no specific time.

++ +++ + ! CHANNEL LINKS ! ++ +++ +

*Discord - https://discord.gg/YMT2zhw

*Twitter - @AlexCaughtFire - https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=AlexCaughtFire

*Official Website - http://laughoutzed.blogspot.com/ All the info you could possibly need about the channel and community can be found in one of the many pages here.

*Subreddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/SubmitFire/

*Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/101245040896221929736

*Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Alex-Caught-Fire-102713127140617/

*Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jozxyqk/

*Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/alexcaughtfire

3# 3%$ /3


Alex's Donation Link - https://streamlabs.com/alexcaughtfire

Sponsor Alex on Patreon ($1+/month) - https://www.patreon.com/AlexCaughtFire

T-shirts and Merch - https://shop.spreadshirt.com/AlexCaughtFire

Alex's Amazon Affiliate Link (If you use this link to shop on Amazon, I receive commission for your purchase. Be sure to make your purchase before the browser cookie expires!)- https://goo.gl/EWQsfN

- Crypto Addresses - 

BTC: 1BV7GPimQHU6VHkec3E571q7DgmBtNnt8g

ETH: 0xff6214f5ec630e23596ba8c0aa4be79f12b76816

ETC: 0x36d5036e9db89728f1e18b4a4abfd1326361e0eb

Litecoin: LW2aJqF6y5UYReW1HnAwuVy57eerbgEja9

Zcash: Xqxb9xqBrgHUY6GLAMpuQkTsFeUYRCJny4

Doge: D8UDCwKs4u9yR9thf1wMtowMJ7EvZMX2Cx

BCH: 16avHCqCmKPJPiQrEoLxHsvUZrXbBin4Eb

**Giving donations does NOT buy the donator special privileges, It's just showing your support to the growth of the channel and community**

++ +++ +

**Live Chat Rules**

-Absolutely no Solicitation, IE: Your channel, videos, asking for subs or any other promoting of any sort (quit trying to mooch off me and casually talking about your channel to get subs, people all ready have to deal with how much I promote myself here).
-No shout-out requests or asking for your name to be said. Just say hello and I will say hello back. If you want me to say "Hi" to someone who's with you watching the stream than I can do that.
-Don't ask others for personal information, IE: Skype, Kik, social media, or online gaming ID's.
-Do not spam with random letters or lots of emoji.
-No caps lock chat, AKA shouting.
-Do not disrespect anyone, especially me or the mods.
-Do not ask to become a mod. If I want you to be one, I'll come find you.
-If you are banned, returning with an alt will get you banned again.
-Trying to get around a time out with an alt account will get your alt banned.

++ +++ + Extras ++ +++ +

Our Raid Tag: #ACFRaid!

NOTES: ;;play Teh-Edge-Bot is Back! Type ";;play teh-edge-bot" and NightBot will give you a link to the list and explaination of common commands like "!lvl", "!drp" and "!flipcoin"

Friday, May 4, 2018

Series Announcement for Skateboarding Re-progression, Improvement and Consistency at a later age - Episode ZERO

Getting back into skateboarding after almost a decade. Let's have some fun.

Music Credits: "Another Rhyme" - Myself clipped out of a previous live music stream that you can find by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUiUWr0ZqfQ

Credits for second song starting at 3:50 go to: "Intimate Curses presents... Degreaser" - BeatzLevox - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcjxhI7u0oiZUBGNlR6HgXg

Intimate Curses presents... Degreaser - BeatzLevox Music track. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLt61ZyJo_o

BeatzLevox on https://beatzlevox.bandcamp.com/


*Twitter - @AlexCaughtFire - https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=AlexCaughtFire

*Official Website - http://laughoutzed.blogspot.com/ All the info you could possibly need about the channel and community can be found in one of the many pages here.

*Subreddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/SubmitFire/

*Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/101245040896221929736

*Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Alex-Caught-Fire-102713127140617/

*Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jozxyqk/

*Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/alexcaughtfire

*Discord - https://discord.gg/YMT2zhw

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Alex's Donation Link - https://streamlabs.com/alexcaughtfire

Sponsor Alex on Patreon ($1+/month) - https://www.patreon.com/AlexCaughtFire

T-shirts and Merch - https://shop.spreadshirt.com/AlexCaughtFire


Alex's Amazon Affiliate Link (If you use this link to shop on Amazon, I receive commission for your purchase. Be sure to make your purchase before the browser cookie expires!)- https://goo.gl/EWQsfN

- Crypto Addresses - 
BTC: 1BV7GPimQHU6VHkec3E571q7DgmBtNnt8g

ETH: 0xff6214f5ec630e23596ba8c0aa4be79f12b76816

ETC: 0x36d5036e9db89728f1e18b4a4abfd1326361e0eb

Litecoin: LW2aJqF6y5UYReW1HnAwuVy57eerbgEja9

Zcash: Xqxb9xqBrgHUY6GLAMpuQkTsFeUYRCJny4

Doge: D8UDCwKs4u9yR9thf1wMtowMJ7EvZMX2Cx

BCH: 16avHCqCmKPJPiQrEoLxHsvUZrXbBin4Eb

**Giving donations does NOT buy the donator special privileges, It's just showing your support to the growth of the channel and community**

AlexOnEdge Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwsTYPB2FkP6Q08e80PVnBw

Play games on your PC for FREE! My video game emulator tutorials and controller reviews can be found here for SNES, N64, GameCube and Wii: http://laughoutzed.blogspot.com/p/software-tutorials.html

Stream and Discord Bot Commands: https://laughoutzed.blogspot.com/p/live-chat-commands.html

My Gaming Gear (and more): https://laughoutzed.blogspot.com/p/gear.html