Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to Play Cage Mod | Nicolas Cage Mod PC - Texture Pack for Majora's Mask - Legend of Zelda on N64

One of my most highly requested video tutorials has been: How to find, download, configure and play Nicolas Cage Mod for the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask on PC.

This how to play cagemod tutorial for LoZ MM romhack on your Windows PC, will be broken up in to several parts that I will have timestamped here in the description so you can find the parts of this cagemod tutorial that would pertain to you.

This game modification texture pack and all required software can be found FREE, you just have to know where to go.

**PART 1 (0:46) - Obtaining the texture pack

By going to this site here and click "Download Now"

During this part, I also read the history of cage mod, what it is and how it came to be.

**PART 2 (3:51)- Download and install WinRaR

For your 32 or 64 bit system (make sure you select the right one for your operating system: )

(WinRar may NOT actually be necessary for extracting all files, mostly just the ROM but I've heard you can run the ROM through the ZIP file sometimes as well)

If you would like to see how I went about downloading and installing WinRar, Be sure to watch this video I created on Project 64, "Best Nintendo 64 Emulator and USB Controller for PC, Project 64" or you can go directly to the time-stamp of that video here

**PART 3 (4:54) - Obtain your N64 emulator

Project 64 Version 1.7 for Windows PC -

In this step, I also explain why having this version of Project 64 emulator is recommended.

You can find one of the more current versions of PJ64 on my site here

Extract your newly aquired files for Project 64 emulator to a place of your choosing (they need to be extracted to the same folder and there are many files).

**PART 4 (5:48)  - Graphics Plugins, Settings and Graphics configuration.

Obtain the "Glide64 Final" video graphics plugin

When you open the .zip file you only want 2 folders here.

In the Glide64 zip file, First open everything in the "Plugin" Folder, and extract them to your emulator > plugin > GFX folder.

There are picture references throughout this tutorial to make sure you can reference if you've put everything in the right places.

Go back to the root folder in the Glide64 zip and Open the "Wrapper" Folder. there should be 1 file in here. Extract it to your root PJ64 folder

Now Launch your PJ64, and go to Options, then Settings. You should see an area to select your video plugin. Change it to "Glide64 'Final'" and press OK.

Now go to Options tab then select Configure Graphics Plugin

It should open a new window. At the bottom left make sure to check "Show advanced emulation options" and "Show Texture Enhancement Options". Press OK and Re-open that same window. You should see two new tabs at the top now.

**PART 5 (9:45) Configure the advanced settings (watch the video for this part) 

Now you're going to make some folders to put the Texture Pack in.

Go to you're PJ64 folder > plugin > GFX And create a new folder called hires_texture (type it exactly like this).

You should have seen a folder called "zelda majora's mask" in this ZIP file. Extract that to your hires_texture folder

**PART 6 (12:50) - Obtaining your Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask ROM 

You should be able to find this ROM somewhere out there if you do a little searching. If you cannot locate one, feel free to join my Discord Server and I can help you locate one

I also talk about extra info about gear and info you can implement in your gaming experience with Project 64 and other emulators.

**Optional gear you can use (13:33) Like this Retrolink Nintendo 64 USB controller you can use with your PC (this controller will work for ALL EMULATORS).

(Emulators will use your keyboard by default and no, PS4 and Xbox controllers will not work from what I understand)

**PART 7 (14:58) - PLAY!!!

Once you have a ROM file and have moved it to wherever you want it to go, simply open PJ64. Click on "File>Open Rom" and Select your Majora's Mask Rom.

**PART 8 (15:30) May Cage be with you Always!

** (16:42) Optional Step Configuring your controller for Project 64 Emulator

** (22:25) Optional Information on how I deal with common bugs and glitches

** (23:06) Optional Information on configuring your graphics plugin for a bigger game display (so you don't break it).

THANKS FOR WATCHING! (24:48) with additional info


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